The Challenges of Being a Rastafarian Mouse




I just wanted to clear the air, Mon.


I’m 10 years old, and me and my friends are the children of loving, kind and mellow families. My Dad works two jobs and my Mum works a job and takes care of the house and us kids, and they are both the best parents a mouse could have. My parents are also Rastafarians and raised me to be one too.


My friends and I look after our neighborhood. There’s always a mystery to be solved, and kindness to be given. We find misunderstandings every day! Sometimes a neighbor thinks they are the victims of theft, or that another neighbor is a criminal, only to realize that they misplaced what they were missing! Or sometimes, miscommunication can lead to frustration. There are even times when a person is judged by the way they look, not by their behaviors or actions.


I try really hard to be kind, thoughtful and friendly, and share those values with all the other kids who watch my TV show. But many times, there are people who see that I’m a Rasta, and think because of my accent or the color of my hat, that I am a bad mouse. I’m not! My friends and I are important parts of our community, and while some may look at us and say we’re bad and we’re trying to turn other kids into Rastafarians, we have a different perspective, Mon.


We think everyone on this planet is special and deserves to be treated with fairness and kindness regardless of their religious or cultural beliefs, or the color of their fur. We kids are just trying to be the best mice we can be, and want to make you laugh, make you think, make you realize all people have goodness in them. We also want to help you solve problems, think about things critically, and use logic instead of emotion when it serves.


We understand some people don’t like Rastas. Some people don’t like mice. Some people don’t even like kids! My friends and I realize this, and we hold no grudges. Even if you don’t like us, we understand. It’s sad, because kids, no matter what their parents believe, should have an opportunity to grow up without learning prejudice. If you think we are bad mice, then your kiddos will grow up thinking we are bad mice, and without even getting a chance to know us.


I’ll leave you with this thought: do you ever feel like people don’t like you because of who they think you are, but they never take a moment to get to know you? I sure do.


