Keeping Up With Boi: Keni Writes A Letter To Princess Pea.

Mama Boi is back from escorting Boi and Sydo from School. She finds Keni in the living room watching Akili Kids! TV on the television.
“Mum, mum!” she called the mother looking excited. “Nataka kuandika barua.”
“Barua? Unaandikia nani barua kamum?” Asked the mother.
“Akili Kids! TV wametuambia tunaweza andikia barua to yule character tunapenda kwa Akili Kids! TV alafu watasoma barua yetu kwa TV.” Keni replied cheerfully!
“Eeeeeh!” exclaimed the mother.
“Si utanisaidia?” She asked her mother.
“Ntakusaidia kamum.” She said. “Na unajua kuandika kweli ama unataka mimi nikuandikie?” Said Mama Boi teasing Keni.
She looked at her with a smiley face and the mother chuckled back.
“Sawa, enda basi ulete kitabu na kalamu. Alafu tuandike barua yako.”
She rushes to get a book and pen from a shelf and places it on the table.
Favourite character wako kwa Akili Kids! TV ni nani?
“Esme na Word Girl na Princess Pea” She says excitedly (Add links)
“She laughs… kwani hii barua itaenda kwa hao wote ama ni kwa mtu mmoja?” Asked the mother.

“Sawa basi tuandikie to Princess Pea” replied Keni.
“Sawa tumwambie aje?” Asked Mama Boi.
“Tumwambieee… Princess Pea, nampenda, alafu tena napenda dress yake na nitakuwa na dress kama yake Christmas ikifika. Si utaninunulia mum?” She asked. “Alafu mwambie, when I grow up nataka nikuwe princess ako na crown na wand kama yake.” Explained Keni. “Na pia nitakuwa na spelling powers kama yeye.”
“Hiyo ndio unataka kumwambia?” Asked Mama Boi.
“Alafu tena asalimie team yake ya super readers na kila mtu kutoka Akili Kids!” She concluded.
“Okay! Sawa.” said Mama Boi.