Keeping up with Boi: Scamming

Boi is playing games on his Fathers phone. The Phone pings, its an SMS message. “Dad! Dad! uko na message kwa simu.”  Said Boi while handing the phone to the Dad.  “Ebu nione, imetoka kwa nani.” Said Baba Boi. ‘H11S1UKWEL1 Confirmed. You have received Ksh5,000.00 from JEFF MPORAJI on 28/06/2022 at 12:11 PM. New balance…

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Keeping Up With Boi (Password protection)

It is morning and Baba Boi looks distressed about something. He is typing something on his smartphone.  “Aaaaargh! Kwani hii password ni gani? si nakumbuka vile niliweka last time,” said Baba Boi. “Kwa nini saizi inanisumbua.”  “Baba Boi, ata wewe huwa unapoteza password yako kila saa,” said Mama Boi. “Na hata hujakaa na hii simu kwa mda mrefu.” She…

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