Krisi In Shagz!

Story za Shosh
Part 1 : Christmas Eve
“Mama Vinii, Mama Vinii… Mambo?” - Sydo Greeted his Aunt.
“Poa sana Sydo,” replied her Aunt “Habari ya Nairobi?” She asked with a smile on her face.
“Ni poa sana. Tumefunga shule  na Dad alitupromise tutakuja Ushago tukifunga shule” replied Sydo.
“Akina Vinii, Manu na Vanessa wako wapi?” He asked excitedly.
“Wamepeleka ngombe mtoni kula na kunywa maji, alafu wataoga wakimaliza.” She told him.
“Si tunaeza kuenda kuona ngombe huko mahali wameenda” He inquired.
“Eeeh, wacha Daniel awapeleke” said Mama Vinii.
“Danie, peleka hawa watoto mtoni mahali akina Vini wako.” She called out to Daniel.
“Boi, twende mtoni akina  Vinii wako huko.” Said Sydo to his elder Brother Boi.
They agree and immediately follow Daniel as he leads them down the stream.
“Boi, Sydo!” shouted Vinii upon seeing his favorite cousins. 
“Waaaah! Mmekuja ushago.” said Vinii “Mmekaa sana bila kukuja.”
“Dad alitupromise tutakuja tukifunga shule this time, na sasa tumekuja.” Babbled Sydo.
The children looked very elated.
“Kujeni tuswim. Kujeni ” Said Vinii.
Boi and Sydo jumped in the water and they all played and had a great time with their cousins.
Later in the evening, they left to go back home with the cows. They showered and gathered in their grandma’s house for stories.  As they were settling down, Keni noticed something.
“Dad, Dad! mbona ile mbuzi haijaingizwa ndani ya nyumba kama zingine.” Keni asked curiously.
“Kwa sababu hiyo ndio tutachinja siku ya Christmas.” replied the father.
“Eeeh, ata mimi nataka kuchinja mbuzi baba” Boi requested.
“Watu wanachinja mbuzi ni watu wakubwa. Lazima uwe na nguvu nyingi kama mimi.” Echoed their dad.
“Lakini usijali, unaweza nisaidia kuchinja” Assured the dad.
“Ni sawa basi.” said Boi
They all had their evening meal as the children gathered around a fire lit outside for stories from their grandmother. 
Shosh was always telling stories to the children during the long holidays and they used to enjoy it a lot.
Part 2: Christmas Day
“We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year” musical notes 
The children were singing in unison.
Boi, Sydo, Keni and their cousins excitedly wake up singing the Christmas carols. They were very excited and they looked forward to this day.
“Eeh watoto!, Mmeamka mapema hivyo kuimba?” Asked Mama Boi as she walked to the living room.
“Merry Christmas Mum, Merry Christmas Dad.” Said the kids to their parents.
“Merry Christmas Boi, Sydo” Merry Christmas kila mtu” Said Mama Boi and Baba Boi.
“Sasa wacha tuanze kupika na Mama Vinni na shosh.” Said mama Boi.
The children hurriedly rush out to the field to catch some grasshoppers while watching their father and other men slaughter the goat. After a few minutes, their aunt calls them back for breakfast.
“Kujeni mkule breakfast.”Calls their aunty Mama Vinii.
The children rush back to the house and they enjoy the delicious breakfast of Mandazi, buttered bread, milk, and porridge.
“Sasa mkacheze na msichafue hizo nguo mmevaa saizi.” Says Mama Boi.
“Hatutachafuka Mum” replies Keni, the younger sister as they walk out.
They play brikicho (Hide and seek) together with their cousins Vinii, Manu and Vanessa.       
The day goes well for everyone. They slaughter a chicken for the special occasion.
At lunch hour they all gather for their Christmas feast.
“Mum na mmepika kuku vitamu, kwani mlifundishwa kupika kuku kwa shule?” Asked Vinni to his mother.
They all shared in the light moment as they continue to enjoy their meal.
“Na hizi machapo ni poa sana. Tunaweza kubeba zingine twende nazo Nairobi?” Teases Baba Boi.
“Zitakuwa zimeisha zote kabla mrudi Nairobi” replies Shosh.
They really enjoyed their Christmas meal and they were all happy and excited.
Mmespend aje Christmas Yenu? Tuambieni.